June 14, 2017
Human Rights, Labor Union, Sex and Gender’ training was
organized by Yaung Chi Oo Workers’ Association form June (9) for three days at
YCOWA’s safe house in Mae Sot.
There were 12 attendants who were from plantation,
construction and garment factory.
“The reason of
arranging this training is to be able to overcome being abused over our migrant
workers’ human rights, labor rights, and basic labor union what workers should
be aware of” said one of the organizers, in charge of this training.
The first of the training, the trainer, Ko
Myo Ko, explained human rights and 30 articles of Universal Declaration of
Human rights for trainees.

In the morning of second day, Sex and
gender’ knowledge was led by the trainer, Daw Thuzar Kyaing and Ko Hein
discussed the Labor rights in the afternoon.
The last of the training, Labors’ Union
education was lectured the trainer, Ko Myo.
“This training is really helpful and
valuable for me because I become aware of human rights and others rights.
Moreover, I get to know that I have a right to get minimum wages under Thai
Labor Law whether I am illegal or not.
It said that
Yaung Chi Oo Workers’ Association has been working for Myanmar migrant workers
since 1999 and they provide Legal Aid Section, Day Care Center, Ceremonies and
Celebrations, Safe House, and Monthly Journal publication.