At the full moon day of November 29 in Burmese Calendar Ta
Saung Mone, Donation celebrity called Ka Tain was taken placed at the monastery
of Pyi Taw Aye, Naung Pwa, Mae Sot, which was offered and participated by all
together Burmese migrant workers, members of Yaung Chi Oo Association and
family members of children from White Jasmine Day Care Center.
Steven (Ko Soe
San), Participent in Donation said “ I am really happy with Myanmar traditional
dancing and music, altogather with some migrant workers were participated when
we went around Mae Sot Market for charity. We will be able to build unity and
strength by cooperating with all Burmese migrant workers in this time of their
traditional celebrity as well as they will be easier and better to demand for
their rights”.
“Mainly to organize migrant workers from Mae Sot and this is kind of our burmese traditional celebrity,
So that we wanted all together organized and took part in this donation” said
Ko Htwe Naing, in charge of legal aid for migrant workers, a member of Yaung
Chi Oo Worker’s Association.
It is 6 th anniversery of donation celebrity
of Yaung Chi Oo Worker’s Association with migrants workers at the full moon