Sunday, 9 September 2012

Workers on strike against discrimination at Hlaing Thar Yar industrial zone

By demanding to stop being oppressed by employer, 200 leaders of workers who are working at each industrial zone in Hlaing Thayar, Yangon, are demonstrating in the peace walk from near industrial zone to township football field, Yangon-Pathein highway road.

A female worker said, “We are striking employers to know having discrimination among workers. There are forcing, oppressing, discrimination and unjustified. Employees are classified even though they have same skills. Some leaders of workers stand on the side of employer.
Those are Burmese but employers are Chinese. It is like we are being betrayed. Now, we are mainly on strike for showing of our emotional pains. Included working 8 hours a day, to get low salary 30,000, to change from hourly wages to salary payment, to stop firing workers and others for worker’s rights”.

In Myanmar, there have been many abuses of worker rights and being oppressed by employers.
Therefore, strikes happened most often at Hlaing Tharyar, Shwe Pyithar and other industrial zones start from May in this year.