Thursday, 11 May 2017

127th May Day Ceremony

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       On May 1st, 2017, Yaung Chi Oo Workers’ Association organized 127th May Day ceremony by cooperating with Migrant Rights Promotion Working Group (MRPWG) and regional organizations at Yaung Chi Oo Workers’ Association’ safe house.
      One of the organizer of this ceremony said “we want Myanmar migrant workers to celebrate this ceremony. The reason is we want all workers to remember about May Day (aka) World Labors Day. Because, it is workers’ biggest achievement. This is also workers’ achievement that workers get 8 hours to work, 8 hours to sleep and 8 hours to rest from working many hours per day. We want workers to recognize about May Day and honor workers’ hard dedication and we want migrant workers to be stronger and have that kind of power.”
Migrant Rights Promotion Working Group (MRPWG) released the statement that is to get minimum wages 350 baht per day, to dissipate Thai authorities’ corruption on migrant workers, to stop employers taking workers’ documents and occupational safety, to read MOU’s compromised documents before signing, and to inquire village officer’s collecting money from workers. That statement was red by Tak officer and Mae Sot authorities.
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         Yaung Chi Oo Workers’ Association also released May Day statement that is the condition of Myanmar migrant worker in Thailland and they have not got minimum wages, long work time, unsafe working condition, and being abused labor rights and human rights. That statement shows Myanmar and Thailand government should cooperate and pressure on employers who abuse workers and human rights. That statement was read.
In that ceremony, not only May Day background was delivered but also a migrant worker who became handicap after accident talked his true story of being a migrant and one female worker from garment factory delivered a speech her obstacles, challenges and difficulties inside Myanmar.  
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The puzzle section which is related to May Dan and U Shwe Yo and Daw Moe dance were also participated. Moreover, workers watched the photo record by organizations eagerly.
Map Radio released Live that ceremony and Thai Army officer participated and he said he know migrant workers are being abused and have not got minimum wages in May Day ceremony.
There were about 400 participants. 
 Image may contain: 9 people, people smiling, crowd