October 15
Oct 15, A1 volunteer group have treated foods and donated materials to kids in
Day Care Center at Pha Htaung ward, Mae Taung Phat village, Maesot.
said that “A1 volunteer group had been one year. “ We, A1 is one year
anniversary today and we want to donate for kids in that day care center as
much as we can.” said Ko Win Htut, in
charge of A1 group.
2015, October, Myanmar migrant workers in TK garment factory assembled volunteer group.
they are working at A1 garment factory and name their group as A1 volunteer
group. There are about 150 members in that group.
have donated for kids soy milk 2 packing, juice 300 bottle, some stationary and
treated chicken congee.
were over 70 attendants at that donation celebration.
Phyu is founded by Yaung Chi Oo Workers’ Association in 2010 to promote
physical and mental for kids and to let their parents without worries for their kids.