Thursday, 11 August 2016

Human rights, Labors' rights, sexual and gender difference based on training

 August 5, 2016
Yaung Chi Oo Workers’ Association led human rights, labors’ rights, sexual and gender difference based on training started on August 5 for three days in Maesot, Thai-Myanmar border.
There were 18 attendants both 17 women and 1 man in total.
“The purpose of this training is to educate the awareness of rights and to stop discrimination based on sexual and gender difference” said in charge of this training.

 On the first day of this training, human rights and its article 30 were lectured by Ko Myo Ko.
The trainer, Ko Soe Moe discussed about migrant labors’ rights to trainees on the second day.
On the last day, Daw Thu Zar Kyaing lectured about sexual and gender difference.

It said that this training makes trainee were aware of rights, sexual and gender difference, equal rights between male and female what they should be.

Yaung Chi Oo Workers’ Association has been educating  Myanmar migrant workers to be aware of equal rights between male and female and Legal aid section in Yaung Chi Oo Workers’ Association has been helping workers for labors’ rights .