Saturday, 23 July 2016

Thai Workers Agencies were blacklisted by Myanmar Government


Myanmar Wokers in Mahachaing, Thailand
Photo Credit: Kyaw Zaw Win/RFA

24 Thai Employment Agencies what are seeking jobs for Myanmar workers and their agents were blacklisted by Myanmar governments.  
Vice Chief of department of inspecting rules for factory and worker, U Nwyint Win said “Agencies do not comply the rules that they have to so that they are blacklisted”.
 “We found out that they do not comply Agencies’ ethic. When Myanmar migrant workers go and work, they have problems with employers. The agencies do not solve effectively. Their efforts are unsatisfactory. Moreover, they are not on rules so that they are blacklisted.
Twenty four agencies such as MP, PV Thaipart Limited Partnership, V V Group and six agents; Mr.Preecha Yindeerak, Mrs. Sarima and Miss Aliya Panyasopa were blacklisted.
 “Myanmar Overseas Employment Agencies Federation was sent letter to let Myanmar employment agencies know about Thai blacklisted companies” said U Nwyint Win.
 “If Myanmar overseas employment agencies connects with Thai blacklisted companies, Myanmar agencies will also be blacklisted as well as Thai companies.
There are 100,000 workers from Directorate of Labor Department to Thailand legally since 2013.  
RFA journalist, Ma Wai Mar Htun interviewed U Nwyint Win from Vice Chief of department of inspecting rules for factories and workers.