Thursday, 21 July 2016

Celebration of Warso civara donation at Sapal Phyu Day Care Center

July 19, 2016
On July 19, celebration of Warso civara donation was held at Sapal Phyu Day Care Center with three monks in Maethoung Phat village, Pha Thong ward, 2016.
That celebration was organized by student guardian committee.
 In that celebration, besides local people, the migrant’s workers form plantation, sewing, construction and shoes factory participated.
In charge of that celebration, the supervisor, Ko Hein said “in this year, the reason why this celebration was more successful was being united both migrants workers and students guardian.
Sapal Phyu Day Care Center founded by Yaung Chi Oo Workers’ Association has been promoting both physical and metal to twenty-three children between aged one and half and four including children who are not able to go school because of financial needs.