The cooperative ceremony of novitiate by Yaung Chi Oo Workers’ Association and
Burmese migrant workers was held from April 10 to 16 at Mae Pa forest monastery
(Watpakaung), Maesot till seven days.
There were 200 workers from
plantaion, factory and village around Mae Sot and 26 novices were honored as
noble monks.

Yaung Chi Oo Workers’ Association
said “we hold this ceremony with donation from Yaung Chi Oo family, the donated
money that were collected around Maesot, workers from factories and novices.
Oo Ko Hein from Yaung Chi Oo
Workers’ Association said “It is pretty difficult to make that kind of ceremony
for migrant workers individually. However, by cooperating each other, it is
more united and they will be aware of team work. Moreover, it is very pleasant
to meet their friends back and it is also preserving Burmese tradition”.
We have some obstacles. Parents of
some novices don not have legal document so that we faced some difficulties for
transportation. Some thinks that it less costs if they combine with us”. One of
novice family member said “ I am very happy and appreciated to cooperate in that ceremony. I could face many
challenges if I do alone that kind of ceremony. It is very happy to cooperate.
Thanks Yaung Chi Oo Workers’ Association for everything”.
Yaung Chi Oo Workers’ Association will be celebrating that kind of ceremony to preserve tradition. The first time was the beginning of April, 2015 and this is second time.
Yaung Chi Oo Workers’ Association will be celebrating that kind of ceremony to preserve tradition. The first time was the beginning of April, 2015 and this is second time.