June 1, 2017
Undocumented Myanmar
migrants workers from Mae Tao Mai garment factory (aka) Kalar Pan factory and
others (3) In-home factories were arrested by Thai police, soldiers, immigration
office, and other cooperation organization in the morning of June 1st at Maesot, Thai-Myanmar border.
150 Myanmar migrant
workers form Kalar Pan factory which is called by Myanmar workers, were arrested
and about 40 workers from Mon factory, others In-home and workers barracks.
One of the workers from Mae
Tao Mai garment factory said “Thai police, group of soldiers and others
authorities arrested Mae Tao Mai garment factory and two In-home garment factories
nearby Mae Tao Mai garment factory while workers were working. Therefore, over
140 undocumented workers and 11 under-aged child labors were arrested.”
“In the evening, the arrested 52 male workers
and 96 female workers, overall (148) workers were put in detention center at
Mae Sot Immigration Office” said by a watcher.
One worker added that 11
under aged child labors were arrested by Thai authorities besides arresting
(148) Myanmar migrant workers.
The employer of Mae Tao
Mai garment factory is trying to negotiate with Thai authorities.
Monday, 5 June 2017
Workers were arrested from Mae Tao Mai garment factories
Monday, June 05, 2017
Myanmar News