Saturday 25 March 2017

Myanmar-Thailand border trade tops US$1 billion

The volume of border trade between Myanmar and Thailand has reached more than US$1.24 billion with Myawaddy border trade generating the largest volume, a source at the Ministry of Commerce has said.
Myanmar-Thailand border trade totalled $1.24 billion for the fiscal year from April 1 last year to March 2017. 
Myanmar’s export volume was more than $270 million in total and its import volume more than $900 million.
Myanmar-Thailand border trade includes Tachilek border trade camp in Shan State, Myawaddy border trade camp in Kayin State, Kawthaung border trade camp, Myeik border trade camp, Nabulei/Htikhee border trade camp, Mawtaung border trade camp in Taninthayi Region and Melset border trade camp in Kayah State. 
Border trade volume reached $845.5 million in Myawaddy, $72 million in Tachilek, $117.7 milion in Kawthaung, $188 million in Myeik, $11.4 million in Nabulei/Htikhee, $3 million in Mawtaung and $0.33 million in Melset. 
Plans have been underway to open more camps to promote border trade sector with neighbouring countries such as Thailand and China. 
Sites proposed for new border trade camps are Mongla, on the China border, plus Payathonzu near Three Pagodas Pass in western Thailand, and Ponpakyin in eastern Shan State, which also borders Thailand. 
Myanmar has opened camps on its borders to carry out trade activities with China, India, Thailand and Bangladesh. The most trade camps are on the long border with Thailand, but the largest trade volume is via its border with China. 
Credit: Eleven News