Tuesday, July 05, 2016

School supervisor and head mistress held meeting of guardian
committee in Sapal Phyu Dare Care Center, MaeThoung Phat village, PhaThong ward
on July 3rd.
In that meeting, there were 25 attendants and they discussed
about school uniform, to make students ID, school cleaning, playground and
donation for Warso civara.
It said that the guardian committee make agreement for
school uniform that will be worn norm uniform and sports uniform and to be systematic
for school and students, and collecting data from students’ guardian such as
address and phone number to make student ID.
Sa Pal Phy Day Care Center was
founded by Yaung Chi Oo Workers’ Association in 2009. The main purpose of
funding it is to be safe for migrant workers’ children and
to work well without worries for
their children.
Currently, there are 25 children
between 1 and half year and 4 year and they are being
prepared for primary school. Every
year, 4 or 6 students are transferred to primary school.
In Sapal Phyu Day Care Center, two teacher and 1 supervisor are working to make children healthy both physical and mental.
In Sapal Phyu Day Care Center, two teacher and 1 supervisor are working to make children healthy both physical and mental.