On September 11, 2013, 5 construction
workers ask Yaung Chi Oo Workers Association to help them for their unpaid
wages. They worked in a construction site near Watalan monastery in Maesot,
“In 4.9.2013, our construction site
finished but we didn’t get our wages till 8.9.2013. Me, Aung Shein, Myo Aung,
Aung San Min and Pho Kar worked under Ko Win Zaw for so long. Ko Win Zaw said “he will give our wages on
10.10.2013”. But we didn’t get it yet” said one of the workers.
Ko Win Zaw is also Burmese and
he is a chief in that construction. YCOWA accused Ko Win Zaw in Thai Labor
Protection Office to paid 5 workers’ wages 14610 baht. According to Ma Zin Mar Thet who worked in
Legal Aid department in YCOWA, there are over 100 cases since July 2013 to October
2013 for unpaid wages. Especially, the workers work in garment factory and
construction site faces that kind of problem. YCOWA