Six worker leader faced in court of
Mayan Gone and Hlaing Thar yar Township on
November 5 for holding a strike walk with other over 1000 workers without
permission from local authorities, who are from MYUE and SUE Garment factory at
Hlaing Thar yar Industrial Zone 4 owned by a Korean.
A follower said sued workers are Ko Hla Min Tun, Ko Naing Wai Lin, Ko Myo Min Aung, Ko Pyi Soe, Ma Aye Aye Myo and Ma Yin Yin Khant, who are now today facing lawsuit at the court of Mayan Gone and will face at Hlaing Thar yar Court again.
Over 1000 workers from MYUE and SUE factory walked in peace to demonstrate from the factory to office of managing employees to demand for raising minimum wages.
A follower said sued workers are Ko Hla Min Tun, Ko Naing Wai Lin, Ko Myo Min Aung, Ko Pyi Soe, Ma Aye Aye Myo and Ma Yin Yin Khant, who are now today facing lawsuit at the court of Mayan Gone and will face at Hlaing Thar yar Court again.
Over 1000 workers from MYUE and SUE factory walked in peace to demonstrate from the factory to office of managing employees to demand for raising minimum wages.