Workers from Hlaing Tharya industrial zone continue to strike to increase the minimum wages to 30,000 kyats and get other rights. "So far, workers from both Sapal Pwint and Nay Min Aung are protesting and the authorities failed to come and solve the problems as promised." said a witness. Workers from Pearl, Sapal Pwint and Nay Min Aung started protesting peacefully on May 16.
Altohugh U Aung Thein Linn, chairperson of Parliament Reformation and Development Department, came to the factories yesterday, the problems were not solved. "Since today we see some member from UNDP. They are from Hlaing Tharya section 2 and in party uniforms. No one knows if it is related to U Aung Thein Linn's visit." the witness said."The employers are also threatening the workers." he added.