Over 700 migrant workers from Dechapalich Fishing Net Factory who were arrested in Khon Kaen for not having any legal documents were sent back to Burma on earlier 22nd May. When asked, U Zaw Tika the abbot from Aung Thaphay monastery who help the arrested workers said, "They were arrested on 9th May. The factory has dormitories for the workers in the forest behind it, but they are much like barracks. The day before the arrest, a group of reporters from Thai TV Channel 3 documented that factory and later broadcasted there were some illegal migrant workers in the factory. As soon as the employer knows the news, he told the undocumented workers to go hiding. He told them there would be polices coming to arrest the workers and they must go hiding somewhere. He also added if they are arrested in the factory, he would not take any responsibilities. The next day he brought over 700 workers to a hiding place. The workers slept a night at the place. However, Thai polices reached the place at 9 a.m. on the next morning. The workers were taken to prison because the police detention cells were crowded. For 7 days, I help their relatives who went to see the detained workers." This factory also had a workers protesting last year for keeping and forging workers' Temporary Passports.