Tuesday, 21 February 2012

The workers in Ty-Yi factory continue their protesting

1000 workers who work in Ty-Yi factory, located at Hlaing Thar Yar township in Yangon, continue their protesting to get higher salary.  Ko Aung Zaw Htwe who works for political families’ community network said “ there are two parts, the first one is claiming to get enough wages and  over 1400 workers holding a sit-in in front of the factory peacefully. The second is to continue the fight as a legal case against the owner. The workers are also despair because some Medias described the strike is finished and situation is solved. This protesting has begun on 16th February and it does not end yet because the government didn’t work on the necessary measures to negotiate with the workers. And the workers criticize what the Medias wrote about they made a deal with the government.” Their primary demands among others are to increase their wages from 75 kyats per hour to 150 kyats per hour and 6000 kyats for attendant bonus to 8000 kyats. Although the employer increases their wages from 75 kyats per hour to 100 kyats, that is not enough for their living. That is why they continue the strike. One of the leading workers said “This strike cause due to the lack of necessary regulations that protect the rights of the workers.”